A 17th century Spanish bronze cannon fragment (NUE1322244) presumably found in Mancera Island and seized by the police (PDI) in 2014 is at present under the custody of Dirección Museológica Universidad Austral de Chile (DM UACh). The fragment is 27 cm long, 26 cm wide and 55 mm thick. It features an anthropomorphic face and a partially conserved inscription in Latin: …A │ALEXO… This inscription corresponds to the Latin name of the founder ALEXO DE TEXEDA (Alejo de Tejeda), a Lima-based founder. The specimen shows apparent manufacturing faults and can be interpreted as a discarded element or the remains of a bursted cannon. The artefact was identified by archaeologists Diego Carabias and Nicolás Ciarlo, with collaboration from artillery specialist Ruth Brown.
Model derived from 108 images, Canon EOS 5D MARKII with natural light photography, processed with Agisoft Metashape. Rearch was funded by FONDECYT Grant 1171735.
Photos and model: David Letelier.