Rodin’s inspiration for this work was, in part, derived from his admiration of Rennaisance master, Michelangelo. Michelangelo’s ,”The Creation of Adam” is perhaps the most imitated piece of Rennaisance art in existence, and is housed at the Sistine Chapel within the confines of Vatican City. It is important to note that while Michelangelo was a more esteemed and prolific sculptor, “The Creation of Adam” is a two-dimensional fresco. Rodin had a great deal of respect for Michelangel, saying,”My liberation from academicism was via Michelangelo.” In 1876, on the 400th anniversary of Michelangelo’s birth, Rodin made what can be best described as a “pilgramage” to Italy, in order to study the preeminent master. Though one could argue that thiis is an imitation, it is distinguished from its inspiration in that it is a three-dimensional object, rather than a two-dimensional fresco. Check out the annotations to learn a whole lot more about Auguste Rodin…