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More model informationSurveyed as an action of the Westmeath Heritage Plan 2018-2023, funded by the Heritage Council with support from Westmeath County Council.
dimension W 0.20m L 0.26m H 0.46m A fragment of medieval tracery window. This architectural fragment hints at the from of the medieval building which stood on the site prior to the construction of the COI building. The site appears to have had two key architectural phases in the 13th C. and later in the L14th or 15th C. The site is mentioned tree times in the 15th century (1423, 1428, 1440,) Later the site was mentioned as united to the Bishopric of Meath (1538) and Chosen by Henry VIII as the new Cathedral of Meath (1545) in the 16th C.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Oct 24th 2022