If you’re making a digital double for movie special effects or developing a character for a video game, you’ll probably need a quick head scan that won’t regress into hours and hours of meticulous hair modeling afterwards. The problem with hair is that it normally features strands, locks, or curls that tend to jut at least somewhat out of the main frame. And those protuberances may be very thin, literally down to a hair’s breadth! The outcome of your scanning project depends on one key factor: the scanner’s resolution. With hair (and other tricky surfaces) in mind, Artec software developers worked their fingers to the bone to slash the resolution of Artec’s most popular body scanners, Eva and Leo down to an astounding 0.2 mm. To show off the results, the furriest guy around was scanned with Leo. The comb-over & fade along with the boxed beard were faithfully recreated in myriads of submillimeter-accurate polygons and packed into an .stl file ready for CGI use.