The steamer “Belgique” sank in 1899 close to Guernesey with ten Cairo tramways, all built in Belgium. The boat departed from Antwerp to Alexandria.
Le steamer “Belgique” coula en 1899 près de Guernesey avec dix tramways du Caire, tous construits en Belgique. Le bateau quitta Anvers pour Alexandrie
TRAMANIA is a club dealing with the history of tramways. Our books - Nos livres: Our achievements - nos réalisations:
A group of friends from Britain and Germany has rediscovered this wreck. They share an interest in the exploration and conservation of deep shipwrecks, caves and/or mines. Their diving takes them all over the world. Our group includes technical divers, instructors and instructor evaluators trained by various technical diving agencies including Global Underwater Explorers (
Pictures by Guy Trees, professional diver. 3D model by Philippe Dussart-Desart