CFR0117 Southport Pilot Schooner3D Model
Located along the waterfront in Southport, North Carolina, this vessel was constructed with sawn and paired oak frames, overlapping along a central keel fastened through with iron drift pins and wooden trunnels through the frames and outer hull planking. Other features include a possible mast step, keelson, and bilge stringers clustered in what is likely the aft of the vessel. The wreck, possibly a schooner, was ballasted with poured concrete, a feature used to preserve the lower frames and keep the bilge clean of debris during its working life. Photos used for this model were collected by Stephen Atkinsonon (OSA/UAB) on July 25, 2022. This model was constructed by David Cranford from 98 photos using Agisoft Metashape software. (Credit: NCDNCR/OSA)
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