Chalcatzingo, Morelos, Mexico Middle Formative Period The archaeological site of Chalcatzingo contains one of the most extensive collections of Middle Formative period (c. 900-500 BC) bas-relief stone sculpture outside of the Olmec Gulf Coast lowlands.
Monument 29 is today located on a pedestal in the plaza of the village of Chalcatzingo, removed from the site sometime in late 1972. This sculpture was found in a stream bed behind the cerro Chalcatzingo. The sculpture is rounded on both ends and stands about 1.2 meters in height. Grove and Angulo (1987) describe the carving as a stylized human face.
Documented with photogrammetry techniques, modeled using Autodesk Remake software, and final model produced using Geomagic, and Maya (Doering, Collins, and Jorge Gonzalez).
Project collaborative with USF Doering and Collins and Arqueólogo Mario Córdova Tello - Director del Proyecto Arqueológico Chalcatzingo and Arqueóloga Carolina Meza Rodríguez - Responsable Operativo de la Z. A. Chalcatzingo.