Mae Condritau wedi’u creu o gylchoedd neu sfferau bach (chondrule) a glystyrodd at ei gilydd adeg cysawd cynnar yr haul, tua 4560 miliwn o flynyddoedd yn ôl. Byddai’r Ddaear wedi’i ffurfio o ddeunydd fel hwn yn wreiddiol.
Allwch chi weld ‘cramen’ ar yr wyneb? Roedd y meteorit yn iasoer (llai na -200⁰C) wrth gyrraedd yr atmosffer gan wibio ar gyflymder o 70 km yr eiliad. O fewn ychydig eiliadau, dechreuodd ffrithiant â’r atmosffer gynhesu wyneb y meteorit i bwynt berwi a chreu’r gramen dawdd.
This is the oldest object you will ever touch. It is made of small spheres (chondrules) clumped together in the early solar system, about 4560 million years ago.
Can you see a ‘crust’ on its surface? When this meteorite entered the atmosphere, it was icy cold (less than -200 ⁰C) but was travelling at a speed of up to 70 km/s. Within a few seconds , friction with the atmosphere heated its surface to boiling point, forming the melted crust.