Find-nearest-hatch-mossystones-001-10800k-pts3D Model
“Code Pink: Find the nearest hatch” – An alien landscape, but also in someone’s backyard – here is a somewhere on the Moors at Down Tor captured with #photogrammetry
4k render featuring this point cloud:
4k render featuring this point cloud mixed with another:
–map of the general location:
more dense point cloud from stereo photogrammetry data for you
– see somewhere in the middle of this video to see the footage that sparked this into existence: [[ Big Thanks to Just Walking again ]]
this point cloud has been pruned and lightly tightened and is presented here for your use and amusement – please enjoy! :)
Thank you!! - Alan/Organic
Tools used: youtube-dl, ffmpeg, python, colmap, houdini, blender
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution