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More model informationThe wreck lies on 42 meters depth in waters of the Baltic Sea near Hel. Up until very recently, it was a mysterious, not identified wreck. It is a perfect example of how photogrammetry can serve the purpose of shipwreck identification. Based on my photogrammetry, Łukasz Orlicki (“Odkrywca” magazine) was able to compare the wreck lying on the bottom, with sketches and plans of various World War II ship types, and was able to identify the wreck as a Nazi German KFK (Kriegsfischkutter). Most probably, this is the last ship that was destroyed during WWII, while trying to leave Hel harbour and head for Germany on May 8th 1945 - KFK 307. Other plausible wreck is KFK 169, that sank on May 5th 1945 as a result of bombings.