Triangles: 82.6k
Vertices: 42.6k
More model informationStreet Art Collection
Here is the 3rd model of the street art collection.
This model is “The Mockery” of Gregos, a French artist known for creating replicas of his face with different humors and gluing them on the walls of cities all around the world.
Sep 29th 2016
- face
- cast
- molding
- bordeaux
- plaster
- photogrammetrie
- street-art
- moulage
- visage
- gregosart
- streetart
- publicart
- gregos
- contemporary-art
- platre
- art-urbain
- contemporary-period
- periode-contemporaine
- art-contemporain
- rue
- art-de-rue
- lieux-publics
- public-places
- public-art
- mouvement-artistique
- art-movement
- art-ephemere
- ephemeral-art
- the-mockery
- la-moquerie
- agisoft
- photoscan
- photogrammetry
- blender
- blender3d
- street