Triangles: 25.3k
Vertices: 12.9k
More model informationtracks 6 Data, 1 synchronization char/inch 248 char/inch words 6 chars (32 data bits, 1 odd parity bit, 3 end of file bits) triangles 25340 word/inch 41.33 word/inch end of record gap 0.75 inch - 186 chars - 31 words Tape speed 75 inch/s Rewind speed 500 inch/s (average) Transfer rate 18,750 char/s - 3,125 word/s Start time 5 ms Stop time 5 ms Width of tape 1/2 inch Length of reel 2,400 ft (730 m) Composition Mylar or cellulose acetate base
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
May 31st 2023