A little lowpoly recreation of John’s bedroom from Homestuck, a webcomic by Andrew Hussie. I spent a day making the majority of this little room, and further refined it over the course of a week or so in my spare time.
I experimented with Maya’s quad draw tool for the first time retopologizing the walls and floor after using a boolean to make the window cut out. I would like to think I’ll go back sometime and do the same for the CD tower, which I also created using booleans. I would like to also go back and actually UV unwrap the chest lid.
Overall, I had a lot of fun making this. I’d like to make a few of the other bedrooms for the series sometime too, and make a collection out of it. All work for this scene was done in Maya 2020.
I used the images here for reference. The movie posters I just found with easy Google searches. The other images I included sources to in annotations on the model. Thanks for looking!