Lodowa Gdyńska Rybka nad chmurami Antarktydy3D Model
Lodowa Gdyńska Rybka nad chmurami Antarktydy
Triangles: 259.8k
Vertices: 129.9k
More model informationModel with VR HDR 3D option. This time as Ice Cream over Antarctica Clouds scene. Sweet cake and symbol of the City. Tradion till 1929 Muzeum and Sweet Center of Gdynska Rybka z ikrą Marko! Gdynia Swietojanska 18, Poland
Museum of Gdyńska Rybka z ikrą Marko! Visit Us :www.gdynskarybka.pl/virtual-gallery Facebook: www.fb.com/gdynskarybkamarko
The model is Patented TM (R) All Rights Reserved!
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