This Digital Outcrop Model of an outcrop on the lower sulfates unit (Lower mount Sharp, Gale crater, Mars) is the result of an imaging experiment aiming at reconstructing 3D models using long-distance individual frames taken using the 700-mm Remote Micro Imager telescope of the ChemCam instrument onboard the MSL Curiosity rover.
This model was computed using images taken during sols 2947 and 2964 from between 510 and 650 meters away, while the rover was in the Glen Torridon region.
This is the very first result at producing a 3D model using long-distance RMI imagery, allowing to observe several geological characterisitcs such as cross-bedding, diagenetic features or contacts.
Data illustrating the “Long-distance 3D reconstructions using photogrammetry with Curiosity’s ChemCam Remote Micro-Imager in Gale crater (Mars)” article from Caravaca et al. in Remote Sensing journal => DOI:
Model by Gwénaël Caravaca of LPG Nantes (UMR 6112 CNRS).