Model 46A - Subadult Green Sea Turtle3D Model
This is a 3D animation (“Scallywag”) of a juvenile green sea turtle (ID=CM1648) (Chelonia mydas) that was captured on December 23, 2016 by the Loggerhead MarineLife Center at Blowing Rocks Preserve. The turtle was attacked by a shark, but survived. It was photographed with the Beastcam technology with 20 Canon G16 cameras by Christine Shepard.
The 3D model was initially created through a photogrammetry scan using Capturing Reality. Animator Jer Bot used Blender to reconstruct the full sea turtle from these scans, as well as animate the movements. Jeanette Wyneken from Florida Atlantic University, and Charles Mairne from the Loggerhead MarineLife Center provided feedback on the movements.
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