Triangles: 28.2k
Vertices: 17.4k
More model informationLocation: Rio de La Granatilla, Sopalmo, Almería region, Spain
Longitude: 1°52‘39.19”W
Latitude: 37° 2‘59.51”N
elevation: 90 m
The Carboneras fault zone consists of several NE-SW trending, left-lateral strike slip faults. The model shows one of the best exposed fault gouge outcrops in this fault zone, along one of three subparallel strands at this location. The gouge contains representatives of several of the protoliths that the fault encounters along its trace (e.g. black schists, dolomites, volcanics, siltstones), each one imparting characteristic colors.
In default view, the fault gouge extends approx. 100 meters.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Apr 16th 2020
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