Striding statue of Nedjemu. Painted limestone, 33.3 cm tall. Old Kingdom, Dynasty 5, c. 2500–2350 BCE, Giza (University of Memphis, IEAA inv. no. 1987.2.1).
Bibliography Allison, Susan. An Examination of the Three Nedjemu Statues from the Great Western Cemetery at Giza, M.A. thesis in Egyptian Art, Unviersity of Memphis (2003).
Brovarski, Edward. “A Triad for Pehenptah,” in Essays in honour of Prof. Dr. Jadwiga Lipińska, Warsaw Egyptological Studies I (Warsaw: Warsaw University and National Museum in Warsaw, 1997), 263, n. 8.
Reisner, George A. “New Acquisitions,” Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 36/213 (1938): 18.
For additional material relevant to the original excavation of the statue see the unpublished manuscript of George Reisner, A History of the Giza Necropolis II (1942), 64, 121b, 125j, available from Digital Giza at
3D model by J.A. Roberson (2017)
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