Orthostat L19 is a stone dating from the Neolithic, located in the passage grave (ME019-045----) at Newgrange, Brú na Bóinne, Co. Meath, Ireland. It is situated on the west side of the tomb’s passage. Orthostat L19 is one of the best-known orthostats in the passage, and one of many decorated stones from Newgrange. The decorations were made by “pecking” the stone with a stone implement. The surface above and below the panel of designs has been dressed so the motifs stand slightly proud of the stone. The decoration on Orthostat L19 include spirals and chevrons - motifs seen across the corpus of decorated stones from Newgrange. Some of the decoration lies below the present ground surface and cannot be seen. There is also a modern supportive strut towards the top of the stone.
O’Kelly (1982) Newgrange: Archaeology, Art and Legend, London: Thames and Hudson, pp.146-171.