Portret žene/Female portrait (Livija?)3D Model
Salona, prva polovina 1. st. Iznimno kvalitetan portret žene pronađen nedaleko rimske Salone (današnji Solin), izrađen u bijelom mramoru po uzoru na klasične grčke statue, možebitno predstavlja caricu Liviju. Finoću i preciznost izrade portreta odlikuje bujna valovita kosa dubokih kanala među pramenovima koji su priljubljeni uz glavu i spuštaju se od čela prema zatiljku gdje su spojeni u punđu. Portret bi mogao prikazivati caricu Liviju, ženu cara Augusta te baku cara Klaudija, koji ju je proglasio božanstvom.
Salona, 1st half 1st c. AD This high-quality portrait was found in vicinity of ancient Salona (Solin). Shaped in white marble following the concepts of classic Greek statues. Accuracy and finesse of the craft are characterised by lush curly hair with deep notches between the head-tight locks stretching from forehead to hinhead and ending in an occipital bund. Portrait might represent the empress Livia; a wife of the emperor Augustus and a grandmother of emperor Claudius who divinized her.