The Prescience-class was a new generation of science vessels designed for short to mediu mterm stellar exploration. At a length of 225 meters, the ship’s typical crew complement was 60, it had a maximum speed of warp 9.4 and a cruise speed of warp 8. Unlike typical Starfleet design of its time, the saucer section was ring shaped. This way the design required less materials and still provided ample space for living quarters and laboratories. Originally a smaller, more spherical saucer was proposed, but it quickly became obvious that the extensive sensor equipment, which now occupies the forward quarter of the ring, would not fit. The warp nacelles are mounted on adjustable hinges. During impulse flight the nacelles will typically be angled up slightly. When at warp speed the nacelles will initially rotate down and then constantly change their angle to adjust the warp field’s geometry to fit current subspace conditions.
Check out the Artstation post for more info: