Surveyed as an action of the Westmeath Heritage Plan 2018-2023, funded by the Heritage Council
H 1.43m; Wth 0.26m ; T 0.23m)
Source SMR - ‘A shaft with moulded angles. There is an inscription in false relief, read vertically on each of the E & W faces i.e. the broad faces. The top of the shaft is broken, truncating the inscription On top is a broken down sub-rectangular mortise (. The inscription is read from bottom to top. The shaft is inserted in a modern rubble stone base. Inscription on E face (all Capitals) reads ‘GOOD CHRISTIAN PRAY FOR T SOULE OF JOHN O MLAGHLIN WH DECEASED THE 14 DAY OF AUGUST 16’ Inscription on W face reads ‘AND FOR JOVAN HUGHES HIS WIFE DEPARTED THE 13 OF SEPTEMBE’ McLoghlin and his wife Jovan Hughes who were killed by a runaway horse in 1601.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution