Surveyed as an action of the Westmeath Heritage Plan 2018-2023, funded by the Heritage Council
(H 0.58m ; 0.27m x 0.27m)
Source SMR Moved from Killucan village. Described in 1976 as ‘Darcy 1604 with Latin inscription, shaft grooved and now dislodged and broke. A cross shaft consisting of two stones, inserted in a boulder, which may be the original base, but cannot be certain. The lower stone (H 0.58m ; 0.27m x 0.27m) is grooved along the edges vertically. The stone cement bonded to the top of the lower stone is square sectioned (H 0.43m; Wth 0.26m ; T 0.26m) . On the top of the surface of this stone is a coating of copper with fragment of slate embedded, and there is an iron pin (dims. 0.08m; H 0.02m) projecting upwards. No trace of the inscription described in 1976 can now be deciphered.’ (ASI Survey file 1998). This cross commemorates Arthur Darcy and his wife who died in 1604.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution