Surveyed as an action of the Westmeath Heritage Plan 2018-2023, funded by the Heritage Council
W 0.27m D0.16m H 0.52m
Source SMR There is a panel of interlace on the south side, roll mouldings at the corners, and two holes on the north side’. An earlier site inspection carried out in 1976 records that this cross shaft is ‘probably the ‘standing stone’ as marked’ on the OS 6-inch map (SMR file). The cross is set near a bush and the rear could not be recorded, but may have a faint trace of a latin cross shaft. The modern N. face shows decoration at the top which could be a repeared interlace pattern or a figure, it is unclear and worn. The cross is located beside the High Cross 06002. The standing stone is likely the cross fragment identifted beside a small tree to the front of the graveyard recorded on this site as Rattin Unrecorded.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution