Reproduction of the Throne of King Tutankhamun3D Model
Elias Hatoun, Cairo furniture maker, 1929
Imitation of the ancient original from Egypt, Valley of the Kings, tomb 62, Dynasty 18, 1336–1327 BCE
Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East 2022.3.1
Teakwood with ivory and mother-of-pearl inlays
The boy-king’s gilded throne was among the most spectacular treasures. Impressed by the throne in 1929, an American businessman named Thomas Jefferson (Jeff) Penn ordered this modern reproduction from a Cairo furniture-maker. On the backrest, Queen Ankh-es-en-Amun touches Tutankhamun’s broad collar in a tender gesture, while the sun god Aten sends human-handed rays of light, streaming down to bless the couple.
Created with Polycam by Peter Der Manuelian, August 14, 2023
This model should be used for non-commercial, study purposes only.
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