In 347 BC the Athenians decided to build in Piraeus a building where the hanging tuckle of the military fleet, such as sails, ropes and tents would be stored during winter months. The building, called Skeuotheke was designed by the architects Philo and Euthydomos. It was a rectangular building,130 meters long and 18 meters wide, located in the port of Zea between the ship sheds and the agora designed by Hippodamus. It had a wooden roof, while its floor and walls were made of marble. The two entrances of the building, to the NW and SE respectively, were decorated with a pediment and a Doric frieze and closed with two bronze doors. The building is considered by ancient writers as the most eminent among the buildings of the ancient Greek architecture.
The rights over the depicted monuments belong to the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports (Law 3028/2002). Τα δικαιώματα των εικονιζόμενων μνημείων ανήκουν στο Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού και Αθλητισμού (Ν. 3028/2002).