SKODA PA2 SKODA PAII Škoda PA-II “Želva” Version Dieselpunk : Version DAZ3d PoserPro —>
The PA-II (“Armored Car II”) was developed by Škoda, which capitalized on the experience gained on the previous semi-experimental PA-I, in 1922-23. But, this time, the Chief Engineer's choice was to provide the hull with an all-around streamlined armor bodywork. This quickly earned the new vehicle the nickname of “Želva” (Tortoise), never officialized. Instead, the Army designation was Obrněný Automobil model 1923 (OA vz.23). By the fall of 1923, the blueprints were ready and submitted to the the Army. 12 vehicles were ordered, to be delivered until December 1924 and mid-1925.
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