This building was described as one of the largest 16th-century houses to remain in the county. The house was previously thought to have been started by Thomas Goodman around the 1500s.
These roof timbers are thought to be the roof of what would have been the Great Hall - a large open space at ground level, with this being the roof. This model is the cruck located in what is now a bedroom.
A 3D model of the Great Hall timber roof was attempted as part of the Cotswolds Hidden Crucks Project. It was in difficult condtions regarding lighting and contrast of the dark cruck against white walls.
Dendrochronology dating by Dr Andy Moir (Tree-Ring Services) was carried out on timbers from the great hall roof. This revaled that the great hall roof was most likely constructed in1317 CE (or shortly after) and was altered by alteration to the western bay circa 1495–1527 CE