Cosmicflows-2 Wiener Filter reconstruction of the cosmic velocity web displayed in terms of its filaments (grey surfaces) and knots (red surfaces). Galaxy positions from the V8k catalog of redshifts are marked by spheroids of different colors: 1) red for a selection of clusters, 2) cyan, pink and khaki for the three components of the Centaurus-Puppis-Perseus-Pisces filament, 3) yellow for the Centaurus-Virgo-Perseus-Pisces filament, 4) blue for the Centaurus-Arch-Perseus-Pisces filament, 5) magenta for Perseus-Pisces galaxies, 6) black otherwise. The central signpost has 2000 km/s-long arrows pointing to the SGX (red), SGY (green), SGZ (blue) directions. The box is 64,000 km/s wide.
This visualization has been produced as part of the following publication: “The Cosmic V-Web” by D. Pomarede, Y. Hoffman, H. Courtois and R. B. Tully, The Astrophysical Journal 845 (2017) 55
Open access preprint version
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