Isodensity contours derived from the observed peculiar velocities of galaxies in the Cosmicflows-3 sample of distances. Overdensity levels are materialized using surfaces at the following values: 0.8 in grey, 1.3 and 1.8 in nuances of red.
The red, green, blue arrows emanating from the origin are 5,000 km/s in length along the positive SGX, SGY, SGZ axes of the Supergalactic Coordinate System, respectively.
This interactive visualization has been produced as part of the following paper: “Cosmicflows-3: The South Pole Wall” by Daniel Pomarède, R. Brent Tully, Romain Graziani, Hélène Courtois, and Jérémy Lezmy, The Astrophysical Journal 897 (2020) 133.
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