Howard Carter discovered this incredible statue in the Antechamber of Tutankhamun’s tomb. Initially, he believed it to be the mannequin of the Boy King. Perhaps it was used as a hanger or to design the pharaoh’s garments. However, it is actually a unique piece, with no other parallels or references to this kind of statue found elsewhere. The figure was concealed behind some parts of the chariots within the tomb.
The face, as depicted on the golden mask, is arguably the most accurate portrayal of Tutankhamun known to us. This statue dates back to the New Kingdom, XVIII dynasty, circa 1322 BCE, and was found in KV62, situated in the Valley of the Kings, Luxor.
New Kingdom, XVIII Dynasty, ca. 1322 b.C. KV62 / Valley of the Kings, Luxor / Stuccoed wood