Triangles: 127.3k
Vertices: 63.7k
More model informationWatermelon is healthy fruit contains a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C that can fight cancer or any radicals that cause it. Glycogen is said to lower your risk of prostate cancer and watermelon has a rich source of this content in it.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Apr 17th 2021
- food
- fruit
- plants
- topology
- prop
- earth
- top
- obj
- vegetation
- training
- nature
- vegetables
- game-ready
- chill
- free3dmodel
- popular
- downloadable
- freedownload
- game-asset
- texturepainting
- zbrushmodel
- free-model
- pbr-game-ready
- pbr-materials
- asset
- game
- pbr
- substance-painter
- free
- stylized
- c4d
- refreshments
- learning-modeling
- juices
- vitamin-c-umbrellas
- watemelon
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