A punk-like, “Winter Witch” (seemed like a good name) playing a complimentary bass guitar. She is rigged but there are no animations and no t-pose. So if you want to purchase a copy for some sort of use, you may have a little bit of work to do. Also, to keep the face count low, there are no body parts under the clothing, including the face mask but at least you don’t have to worry as much about skin poking through if moving the limbs around.
The .blend file was last saved in Cycles mode with textures embedded and is almost 50MB in size.
You can find a Blender Cycles render here: https://www.deviantart.com/theouterlinux/art/Winter-Witch-838059969?ga_submit_new=10%3A1587011925
Website: https://theouterlinux.gitlab.io PsychOS: https://psychoslinux.gitlab.io