I found this great model on sketchfab and wanted to give it a coat of paint! After searching out some reference images I was inspired by 17th and 18th-century ship living quarters and some of the art and maps that were placed within them.
I textured in Substance Painter and did the UV unwrap in blender (I removed some faces and internal objects to save texture space). I started by searching out some reference images of Air Balloons, but whilst there are is great work out there I couldn’t find anything that I thought really matched the model well and that I liked. So I broadened the search to old sailing ships and found some examples of private quarters and the art contained within.
Please note: The model was created by Maria Stashko - https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/zepellin-b189100bf357401eb6742b5d52561dbf
The images for the map and girl: