Meet the Masters: Jonathan Bogart

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The Sketchfab Masters are a group of super passionate and active community members. They are helping us run community activities, write tutorials and help out community members with support and feedback.

Today, meet Jonathan Bogart, well-known for his photorealistic texturing in desolate environments and rusted vehicles. 

Can you introduce yourself?

Greetings! My name is Jonathan Bogart, but a considerable number of people know me as Rena/Renafox. I currently live in rural Georgia, whose run-down, backwater-ness has inspired a great deal of my art, and live with my parents in a quiet home in the mountains. I’m only 20, and am self-tought in 3D art, which was a hobby I picked up after finishing high school. I’ve always been artistic, and before 3D, I was really into drawing. As far as 3D artwork goes, I feel like I still have so much to learn as far as content creation goes. Over the past 6 months, I’ve started doing freelance work for paying clients, and despite this, I still try to provide free example content to the community when I can. My eventual dream is to get hired by a game studio as an environment, and to be able to move to a nice city somewhere.

What is your expertise?

Expertise? Haha, I’m still a rookie in my head. I’m fascinated by the modeling of both real-world and fictional machines, vehicles, and places. The modeling of vehicles in particular is something that I’ve proven very competent at. I’m quite knowledgeable when it comes to hardsurface and subdivision modeling in 3DSMax. The creation of textures using Allegorithmic’s Substance Painter toolset is something that I’ve not only learned a great deal about, but also really enjoy using.

How do you use Sketchfab?

I use sketchfab to display and share my creations with the world, as well as catalogue my progress as I continue trying to better myself. I share a lot of my older models with the community for a simple reason: It’s better to see an old model get used by the community than to condemn it to the depths of my hard drive for all of eternity. It’s silly, I know, but it always makes me happy to see something I’ve made get used in someone’s render or game.

What will you be working on for the Sketchfab Masters?

I’ll likely continue trying to better myself, and better my content. I hope to learn techniques and tricks from the other masters, while also sharing some of the ones I’ve figured out for myself. The practice models I post will likely go up for download, to be enjoyed by the community. I’ve also been doing some exploration and experiments with Unreal Engine, and creating entire environments, once I get a decent method for converting them to Sketchfab, they will be shared as well!

Thanks all! Find me on Twitter and of course, Sketchfab

About the author

Seori Sachs

Community Person!

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