Update: ZBrush Exporter V3

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Big news for ZBrush users: we’ve updated the Exporter plugin!

1. Compatibility

The plugin is now compatible all the way up to ZBrush 4R7, both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, on both OS X and Windows!!! (at last)

2. Draft Mode

You can now upload a model in Draft Mode. This is the perfect way to tweak your 3D settings on Sketchfab before publishing your model. Make it look perfect before it goes public.

Draft Mode option in the ZBrush Sketchfab Exporter

Now, time for some awesome ZBrush models:


A big Thank You to Maxime Rouca from ExoSide for his work on the plugin.

Enjoy! Let me know if you run into any problems!

About the author

James Green

Senior Product Specialist | Sketchfab

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