We recently updated our privacy policy. Although we regularly make updates to align with changing privacy laws, this revision also includes a re-design for easier reading. These formatting changes do not change how we approach the privacy of your information, but the updated content reflects our recent steps toward minimizing the amount of information that we collect.
Here’s what’s new:
- As a step toward minimizing the amount of information that we collect about our community, we removed several cookies from our sites, including all advertising/marketing cookies. For the privacy policy, that meant streamlining and shortening the disclosures regarding cookies. You can still adjust your cookie settings in our privacy preference center at any time.
- We simplified the ‘Information We Collect‘ section with an easy-to-understand narrative about what information we collect, how and why we collect it, and how we use and share it.
- We reformatted the section concerning data processing rights for clarity.
- We updated the section on disclosures for California residents due to changes in California regulations since our privacy policy was last revised.
You can read the Sketchfab Privacy Policy in full at any time.