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SCHoN 3D Models


These models are all materials analyzed by the "Scale and Community in Hopewell Networks" or SCHoN project. SCHoN was funded by the National Science Foundation (BCS 1419225) with Co-PIs Mark A. Hill, Kevin C. Nolan, and Mark F. Seeman. Data and models were collected with the aid of graduate assistants Eric Olson and Emily Butcher, and student assistants Sneha Chavali and Nora Hillard. Citations for the project include: Nolan et al. 2016 (academia.edu/25494395/Scale_and_Communit...), Hill et al. 2016b (no link available, citation below).

Hill, Mark A., Mark F. Seeman, Paul J. Pacheco, Jarrod Burks, *Eric Olson, *Emily Butcher, and Kevin C. Nolan 2016b Material Choice and Interaction on Brown’s Bottom. Paper to presented at Hopewell Research in the Twenty-first Century: Ohio and Beyond, May 13 and 14, 2016, Chillicothe, Ohio.