Avatar of Miguelangelo Rosario
Berlin, Germany

VR Art & VR Cyberdelics

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Cyberdelic VR Visuals 3D Models


“Turn on, boot up, jack in”– Timothy Leary

(VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) can alter our state of consciousness. At least this is the promise of cyberdelics that use external tech-mediated stimulation to evoke out of body experiences and trips. Today immersion is fast becoming the key indicator of the efficacy of a virtual reality simulation. Developers are preoccupied with fooling your brain into feeling like you’re actually there. Cyberdelic technologies are fast emerging as an entirely new type of experience. Whilst psychedelics can be unpredictable, cyberdelics offer a curated experience for an altered state – one that can be explored in completely safe and controlled way. In the Cyberdelic space there is no such thing as a ‘bad trip’ – unless that’s what you’re looking for? How far can we go using these technologies and techniques to create non-ordinary states of consciousness? How can the data we receive from the outside world affect our brain? Is the VR headset the LSD of the new millennium ?