A day with the Sketchfab team in Paris

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As many modern and nimble companies, the Sketchfab team is split between various locations: Paris and NYC are the two top ones, but we also have Toulouse (in SOFA – South of France :), as well as the UK, Netherlands, Canada… all over the place! 


We managed to gather part of the team in Paris last week, great opportunity to catch up and finally celebrate our V2 release and 100k milestone. We thought this was a good occasion to share with you a day with the team and a look at the company from the inside. Plus some very cool Paris addresses :)

We started by a karting race contest, won by Marc:


Kart by Maurice S. on Sketchfab

We then went to a bowling place near the Arc de Triomphe, Cédric was the winner this time:


Then we went to our regular afterwork bar, le Sully:


We ended the day at one of our favorite bistrots in Paris: le Bistrot des Victoires. If you go there, don’t miss ou the “Entrecôte grillée au thym de la garigue”, we call it the fireworks :)


That’s it! We just hope that next time we’ll be able to gather the entire team, and do more events with you our community as well!

/Alban, co-founder and CEO


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Sketchfab Team

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