Beer and 3D Games at GDC with Sketchfab

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Hey Game Devs!

It’s that time of year where we put down our keyboards to learn something new and have our yearly reunion with old and new friends at Game Developers Conference (GDC). This year the Sketchfab team will be there and we’re hosting a happy hour with our friends Allegorithmic (creators of Substance Painter) on Thursday 17th March at 5pm PST. We’d love to chat over a beer, so RSVP here.

We’ve been doing a lot of fun stuff with game studios this year and we may not have time to chat about that at the happy hour between all the beer and laughs. So, I’d love hear about the 3D game that you’re working on or getting ready to publish and show how I can help you promote it on Sketchfab. I’ll be there the entire week so send me an email or tweet at @RAWRsoft. We’ll find some time to chat.

See you in a few weeks!

About the author


An artist in the pursuit of dopeness.

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