Sketchfab Introduces Improved Reupload Workflow

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You may have noticed that reuploading models looks a little bit different than it used to. By popular request, we have changed our reupload flow so that you now have the option to approve your new upload before it replaces the existing file. Previously, reuploading a file would immediately replace your existing file, occasionally causing frustration when someone reuploaded the wrong file, or the new file didn’t look or work as expected.

Our recent changes make the process of reuploading a model much clearer. By allowing you to review your new upload before approving it, you are in control of your files.

For further information on reuploading files, head over to our Help Center.

How to reupload a file


  1. Click the Reupload button within Model Properties or from the three-dot menu of your model card.
  2. Drag & drop or browse to the file(s) that you wish to upload and click Reupload.
  3. Once the file has reuploaded, check the new upload against the existing file and select which version you wish to keep. To do this, visit the model page and click Check Model to view the comparison screen.
  4. Adjust settings in the 3D editor or simply view the new version of your model.
A quick note: Animations and the camera pivot point may not appear correctly on the comparison screen. Rest assured that you can adjust these settings in the 3D Editor.

About the author

Abby Crawford

Helping share community stories on Sketchfab.

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