Sketchfab Store: 2020 Year in Review

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What a rollercoaster year it has been. Even though 2020 turned out to be more challenging than any of us imagined it would be, we are happy with the growth we saw in our seller and buyer communities this year. The creative talent of our sellers continues to amaze me every day when I check the store for fresh uploads and new seller applications.

I want to take this opportunity to share some highlights with you about what we accomplished this year as a store community.


Firstly, I’m excited to report that in 2020 we surpassed $1 Million in paid commissions to our amazing sellers. 

This milestone was extra important this year when economic uncertainty led to financial hardship around the world. I could not be prouder of our growth at a time when additional income plays a critical role for so many people.


Secondly, we have grown our library size to 100,000 assets. 

Even though this is a humble number compared to the overall Sketchfab library, it’s an important one. As you know, we review every seller before they join the Store to make sure that we maintain our high quality standards. As a result, the growth of the Store library has been steady but not exponential—we’d like to keep it this way to ensure that the quality of store assets remains consistent. Our aim will stay laser-focused as we embark on the journey to 200K assets. Thanks to every single seller on our store who has contributed their assets so far. And if you are not selling yet, we’d love to see your application.


Lastly, despite 2020’s turbulent economy, we’ve managed to grow the store revenue by a factor of 2x this year and, along with the other teams at Sketchfab, helped Sketchfab reach profitability

Getting here was truly challenging and a lot of hard work for everyone in our small team, but we did it. As we continue to grow our team over the course of 2021, we aim to dedicate even more resources to the Store and to building new features that can benefit both our buyers and sellers equally.

This year we also observed a growing demand for 3D models from some of the largest brands and organizations who often come to us to license in bulk and this trend will certainly continue in 2021 and help us to accelerate the store growth.


Take a look at some of our favorite 3D models of the year handpicked by our very own Luis Cherubini.

Best Store 2020 by Sketchfab Store on Sketchfab

I want to thank our buyers for trusting us with their projects and thank our sellers for powering the creativity of others by distributing their work through the Sketchfab Store.

Here’s to a productive and prosperous 2021 together!

About the author


Head of the Sketchfab Store

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