Art Spotlight: 「Bismarck」

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In Art Spotlight, we invite Sketchfab artists to talk about one of their designs.

Hello Everyone!

My name is Wason Chartchumni or SeberdrA. I am a 3D modeler artist from Thailand. Thank you for looking at my work!

In my work as a 3D designer I create 3D models from 2D images to prototype Japanese figures at Malindo Design Co., Ltd. I have about two years of experience in 3D modeling.

Today, I will be talking about「Bismarck」and share the steps in the creation of this model with you. Bismarck is a character in Kantai Collection Design By Mr.Shimada Humikane. I created this model to practice my Anime skills.


First Version. (The anatomy is not very good ^^”)

Okay, let start!

First I collected many reference drawings, 3D Artwork and Photos of a plastic Bismarck battleship for reference. This helped me understand the details of the mechanical parts.

I started by recreating these mechanical parts in Autodesk Maya and then added some details on Zbrush.

Mechanical parts done in Maya

Mechanical parts done in Maya

For this character, I started with a default Anime girl T-pose model. Before sculpting on the Bismark details I prepared my workspace: first I duplicate my reference in image software for use to image plane – that way I can sculpt ‘over’ one image and still see my reference image:


Set up the reference image in ZBrush and load the T-pose Anime girl model. Adjust the image plane’s size and position to match your model:

During sculpting I work from the front side, and I regularly switch to Fill Mode 1, 2 and 3 to check my reference image.

I’m using several reference images at this stage: some for sculpting the female anatomy and others for the mechanical parts. I collect a LOT of Japanese Gravure photos as anatomy reference.


Once the sculpting is done next step I start coloring the model with polypaint. Here’s my polypaint setup:



Polypaint Done ^^

After completing sculpting, Bismarck had 16.279 Milion points, a terrible wireframe and no UV textures. This would never work on Sketchfab..


So let’s talk about my technique for preparing such models for upload to Sketchfab. Basically I decimate each submodel one by one to reduce their polygon count:


After decimating all the submodels:


The model now has 357,183 polygons!

In Sketchfab can upload file below 50mb only in Basic.
Then My technic is decrease file size to below 50mb and model just has only TotalPoints below 360,000 tri after decimation.


How to Export Model For Upload to Sketchfab.

I export all my models for Sketchfab as VMRL. Why VRML ? Because VRML file are light and my model can have color without any UV textures (my 3D figurine models don’t need UV textures anyway). And I’m too lazy to create a UV texture and 3D data when Figurines don’t need UV textures ;-)


Finally, all my work is in Figure style. Yes, all my models have bad topology, don’t have any UV textures and they cannot be animated. But my kind of work is used for 3D printing – for my purpose surface, anatomy, pose and balance are important.

I thank Sketchfab for offering such a great way to view many good 3D models!

Thank you also for inviting me to Art Spotlight Article. And Thank you for reading this to the end. And I will be make more of 3D Figure style Works.


Thanks SeberdrA!

You will find more of SeberdrA’s work on his Sketchfab profile.


About the author

Bart Veldhuizen

Community Lead at Sketchfab. 3D Scanning enthusiast and Blenderhead.

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