Sketchfast contest #2

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Today we are happy to announce the second ‘Sketchfast’ contest! The aim is to create a 3D model in relation to recent news announcements within a short time period.

As there have been rumors around Apple’s iWatch lately, we picked it as a theme:

“Imagine the iWatch”.

Time Limit: 72 Hours

Start Date: Friday, March 8th, Noon (Paris French time, CET)

End Date: Monday, March 11th, Noon (Paris French time, CET)


1st Place: $200 cash + 1 year of Sketchfab PRO + staff pick exposure

2nd Place: 1 Sketchfab hoodie + 1 year of Sketchfab PRO

3rd Place: 1 Sketchfab T-shirt

The Sketchfab team will be selecting the winners, based on the quality of the model, how good it is in representing what the actual iWatch could look like, and the concept. You can use search engines for inspiration. There is no technical restriction, only the time constraint!

To enter the contest, upload your model with the tag #iWatch through the edit window before March 11th, Noon, CET. Winners will be announced the following day.

Good luck! Feel free to reach out to in case you have any questions.

Update on March 12th: winners announcement

Thank you all who participated in this iWatch contest, we have seen great submissions!

The choice was pretty tough, so we decided to do an internal vote by the 10 people in our team. For people who submitted several entries, we took it as a whole.

So here are the final votes (including only users who actually received a vote between 1 and 3), with special congratulations to Revel and Mestaty for another win!

1st Place: Karol Miklas

$200 cash + 1 year of Sketchfab PRO + staff pick exposure


2nd Place: Revel

1 Sketchfab hoody + 1 year of Sketchfab PRO

3rd Place: Mestaty

1 Sketchfab T-shirt

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