#TuesdayGaming Interview of Excubitor's team, now on Steam Greenlight.

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Today we meet the team developing Excubitoran intense Sci-Fi action game where the players takes control of a space fighter and must battle hordes of enemies throughout different worlds.

# Hey guys ! What’s going on in Tesseract Interactive right now ? What is your latest news ?

The latest news is that we have finally completed our first chapter of the game and went on Steam Greenlight. We are on our way to the top 100 games on Greenlight and we appreciate any support on the game by voting for Excubitor to be on the Steam marketplace.

# Excubitor is your first game, how challenging is the development ?

We have been developing Excubitor for almost 2 years now and there is still a lot to do. Many times during the development we scrapped the project and started all over again. It’s a great learning experience. I think it’s safe to say now that we are satisfied with the current visual style of the game as well as the gameplay mechanics.

# What’s next on your agenda today ?

Right now we are looking for some investors or publishers that want to work with us on Excubitor. We believe that if we get green light on Steam it will be more likely to lure investors or even publishers to back up our game and to continue the development. Right now we want to make a small marketing campaign in order to raise the popularity of Excubitor and get more players to vote for our game.


# How has been built Excubitor ? What tools have you been using so far ?

We started developing Excubitor on the Microsoft XNA framework but later we decided to port it to Unity since it’s a great engine for starters in game development. Also there is the asset store where we can purchase assets and helpful plugins for relatively small price and spare us the time to make them ourselves, which is a great way to speed up the development. As for the art department we use software like Autodesk Maya, Photoshop and some other.

# Your working environment doesn’t look like those we are used to see, can you tell us a little bit more ?

We are working in an apartment owned by one of our team members, so the working environment is pretty relaxed. We don’t have strict working hours and there are no horrible bosses. Working in an indie game studio with people you know or share the same passion is as fun as it gets.


# Is everybody fit to start developing video games ?

You know, if I could travel a few years back I would definitely reconsider and change some aspects of how our project came to being. Everybody has great ideas about games they want to create. However executing that idea may prove very difficult, especially if it’s your first time creating a game. Don’t think that if you are familiarized with a game engine and a 3D software or Photoshop that you can create AAA games. The road to creating great games is difficult one and in order to be successful, first you have to make few mistakes. The best way, in my opinion, for someone who wants to start video game development is to create some simple games at first, just to get some experience and then move on to more complex games.


# We know you are familiar with Sketchfab latest features such as the Download option. Do you think it will help some game developers ?

Download models and use them in video game projects is a great idea guys. We have been using some models from an asset store for the development of Excubitor. Annotations are also very interesting for me, as I always like to explain a bit about the details of the more complicated models.

Thank you for your time guys, we appreciate it. Good luck with Excubitor !



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Sketchfab Team

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