Keeping tabs on your favorite artists just got a lot easier

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We’re happy to announce that we just added a great new feature to the Sketchfab website: if you follow an artist you will now receive an email whenever he or she posts new work. You won’t miss a thing anymore! As an artist, it’s a great way to get more exposure for your work.

Do keep this in mind when posting test work, as your followers might see that, too (Pro users have the ability to upload private models and these will not send out notifications, of course).

One other thing: we’re working hard to make it even easier to follow activity on Sketchfab and to manage these kinds of emails (like unsubscribing from them). So stay tuned, there’s more goodness coming your way.

So go on, follow some great artists and try it out for yourself!



Maid by deretta on Sketchfab. Deretta has 75 followers, can you beat that? 😉

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