Meet the Masters: Vladimir Ilic

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The Sketchfab Masters are a group of super passionate and active community members. They are helping us run community activities, write tutorials and help out community members with support and feedback.

Today, meet Vladimir Ilic, one of our top VR Artists and enthusiast for all VR art forms. 

Can you introduce yourself?


Hi, Im Vladimir Ilic from Pforzheim in the Black Forest / Germany and I love to explore Virtual and Augmented Reality.

I’m a Designer/Digital Artist exploring Virtual and Augmented Reality and it’s potential to deliver stories and experiences. I set a goal to understand the human and how we interact with this new technology. Combining new mediums like Tilt Brush, 3D Software, Unity and traditional media to expand our understanding on how we interact with our surroundings and ourselves. Curiosity for the unexplored and gaining new knowledge through technology is what keeps me up at night. The human created so many languages, speech, music, art, movies, games. The newest language being Virtual and Augmented reality. I’m excited to be one of the first to explore this new language and want to spread it to every human who is hungry for stories, experiences and all things humans do.

What is your expertise?

My main focus is using 3D tools to create scenes and assets for Virtual Reality environments to tell stories. My favorite tools are Cinema 4D, Tilt Brush, Gravity Sketch, and the old pen/brush and paper. Lastly with tools like Unity combining everything into a game or experience people all over the world can enjoy. I try to master as many tools as possible and combine them to get unexpected results. Being open to try new tools and methods is key to fresh ideas and exciting artworks.

How do you use Sketchfab?

Sketchfab is a very unique platform that gives me a lot of freedom to express and communicate ideas and concepts. The passionate community is the perfect breeding ground for collaborations and feedback to improve on existing and upcoming technologies. The implementation of webVR on Sketchfab allows me to prototype and experience everything an artist working with VR can dream of.

What will you be working on for the Sketchfab Masters?

I will explore with the community how to utilise VR with articles and tutorials and how it can be used as a medium for interactive experience and story creation. Check out what I’ve done so far in the links below! 


You can find me here:

About the author

Seori Sachs

Community Person!

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