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Going full photogrammetry!

Kirikufond 3D Models


EST: Kirikufond (SA EELK Toetusfond) aitab Eesti Evangeelsel Luterlikul Kirikul taastada ja hoida kõike seda, mis on aastasadu olnud osaks meie ajaloost ja kultuurist ning inspiratsiooniks kunstile, kirjandusele, muusikale, arhi­tektuurile. Rääkimata hingetoest, mida kirik loendamatu­tele inimestele pakub – eriti rasketel ja ebakindlatel aegadel.

ENG: The Church Fund (SA EELK Support Fund) helps the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church restore and preserve everything that has been a part of our history and culture for centuries and an inspiration for art, literature, music, architecture. Not to mention the spiritual support that the church provides to countless people - especially during difficult and uncertain times.
