Animation, including orbitals of the polimerization of 1,3-Butadiene. Orbitals were calculated from orca
1: Unpaired electron on polymer and delocalized/fully paired electrons on the monomer
2: Collapse of paired electrons on monomer into unpaired electrons
3: Re-hybridization of the 1 and 4 carbons to SP3
4: Collapse of remaining unpair electrons into pi-bond between the 2 and 3 carbons
5: Overlap of unpaired electrons on the terminal carbon of the polymer and monomer, resulting in bond formation
These models were made through a combination of ORCA, UCSF Chimera, and Blender.
CC Attribution-ShareAlikeCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
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We featured this model on the Sketchfab community blog in 'Using Sketchfab to Develop 3D Visual Teaching Tools for the Chemistry Classroom'!